Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Digital Marketing Revolution. Is Sri Lanka Ready?

Hi all !!!

 I will be blogging about digital marketing implications and this is going to be the first blog post.

First we will see what digital marketing is. Digital marketing is simply, promoting of brands using all forms of digital advertising. Or else where marketing meets all forms of new media such as internet, emails, social networks, tablets, smart phones, cellular phones, digital hoardings and etc.We can see that digital marketing plays a major role in marketing in Sri Lanka.A few years ago, main marketing or promotional tools for the brands were television, radio and newspaper advertisng, hoardings and public relations. But now a day it is basically digital marketing tools.

We can take several examples from Sri Lankan context itself, to discuss on digital marketing revolution. Those days when a person wanted to channel a specialist doctor he or she had to wait in queue for hours to get an appointment. But with e-channeling coming into play getting appointments was very convenient for people and it became very popular.

Online retailing stores can be taken as another sector of the digital marketing revolution. Such as, My deal and before the emergence of, people were aware about e-bay and only a very few used to deal with those sites. With the aggressive promotions was able to capture the Sri Lankan market.Now there is a customer base for them who checks in daily for their amazing deals and offers.and people buy things from their online stores.When talking about, people sell even houses, lands and vehicles through this site.On the other hand we don’t have to wait in a queue at the cinema because of can reserve the seat we need and pay online.

As a social network , Facebook plays the major role in Sri Lankan digital marketing revolution.all most all the brands in the country have a facebook fan page and most of these are interacting with the fans.For example if we take Kelly Felder ( A fashion retailer) fan page it upload photos of all the new styles in stores with available sizes and prices.So that fans can take the purchase decision then and there when they see the picture.Recently Lux Liquid Body wash had a successful promotional campaign through Facebook and Youtube.They promoted a music video which is known as “Sedha Kathandare” and this video had almost one lakh of views in You tube.

With the increase of internet penetration in Sri Lanka, traditional tools of marketing are gradually decreasing. From Digital marketing a brand can reach the target customer in a more customized manner. And can get more insights from the customer using a facebook fan page or an email campaign, which ultimately helps the company.

Sri Lanka is ready for the revolution.But finding the most appropriate digital marketing channel lies with the business organization.Whether to use Social networking, email, mobiles or a combination.



  1. Great Article.. I highly doubt that Sri Lanka still ready for that sort of revolution in Online Industry..

  2. Seems interesting .. waiting for the next ..

  3. Good approach.. nicely delivered and clearly know what you want to say. simple and current nice work !!!! waiting for the next !!!

  4. Digital Marketing is clearly and area that has helped many a business globally. There's a lot more than can be done with it in Sri Lanka, if used properly.

  5. Good one Oshi :) Keep it up :)
